
Från Krigsmaskinen
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Iammany är en genuin boknörd och nomad, både i världen och i tanken. Har en erotisk dragning till allsköns outsiders och fria andar. Sägs ha vissa kopplingar till kättersk anarkism. Skriver emellanåt på En bris av frisk luft.

På nattduksbordet just nu: Cervantes Den snillrike riddaren Don Quijote av La Mancha och Lydia Davis Almost no memory.

"If the community is revealed by the death of the other person, it is because death is itself the true community of mortal beings: their impossible communion. The community therefore occupies the following singular space: it takes upon itself the impossibility of its own immanence, the impossibility of a communitarian being as subject. In a way the community takes upon itself and inscribes in itself the impossibility of the community . . . . A community is the presentation to its members of their mortal truth (one may say as well that there can be no community of immortal beings...). It is the presentation of finitude and of excess without possibility of return that founds the finite-being . . . ."